Porto Night View

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I rely on vintage charts?

Broadly, however each bottle can differ due to how it has been stored, whether the wine was ok from the outset, and if seepage has occured. Vintage charts are produced by experts tasting the wine and forming a view. The chart is therefore completely dependent on someone else's opinion so should be handled with some care. However, it's the best info the port lover has to work with so does provide some useful input.

2. Can I buy vintage port from you?

We neither buy nor sell vintage port to consumers. However, please refer to our Buying Vintage Port link for recommended wine merchants that buy, sell and auction vintage port.

3. Is it worth visiting Porto?

Yes! It's a lovely town. The best part is down by the River Douro. That's the old part of town and faces Vila Nova de Gaia on the opposite side. Gaia is where the port houses are and makes a wonderful view as the lights come on in the evening. There are excellent local restaurants on the river front.

4. Is this website compliant?

Yes! We're compliant with the W3C xhtml 1.0 standards.

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5. Is a green organisation?

Yes! Our website is hosted by 1&1 Internet who operate a green approach to web hosting.

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